Custom solutions

In addition to a wide range of self-adhesive ASLAN-branded products, we are also able to develop highly customised solutions with you. You can choose from a variety of materials, liners and adhesives or have your own materials coated – with the adhesive properties specified by you.
Contact us! Our team is looking forward to a personal chat.
Industry products
In addition to a wide selection of release liners, we offer an extensive range of different adhesives formulated in-house, enabling us to work with you in developing the perfect self-adhesive product for your particular project. The self-adhesive products are available as rolls, sheets or die-cuts, depending on your requirements.
Contract coating
As a specialist in self-adhesive films with more than 65 years’ experience, we are an expert partner for making your materials self-adhesive according to your specifications. Our expertise and production capabilities are at your disposal, from adhesive development to conversion – all in one place and starting with small quantities (initially possible from 500 linear).